Travel387 - A view of the sky with silver linings

Travel387 => Splores

Splores means S Explores

Travel387 has changed and is now named Splores. Splores means S explores all about anything and everything as simple as moving from one place to another 360 degrees around the Earth? or Other Planets? or Space? or Universe? or the Ultimatum?…) are the degrees which we aim to cover so that nothing is left unexplored.

Traveling the world is right up our alley and we look forward to explore more places, food, culture, books, science & technology, concepts and lifestyle situations around for us to pen a few words on…

In this blogosphere, friends, let’s have fun and also share our thoughts among us, so we get a clarity on some of the things which we come across in our lives…

Let’s move on to the blog page…here we go…Click Here

– Bullie & Baarbie (BB)