

The word “credibility” rings a bell in my mind about having great potential and capability of creating something worthful. Credibility is the quality and relevance to the context. It differs from one thing or concept to another.

A student is said to be incredible if he/she scores high grades…

A professional is said to be incredible if he or she performs well in his/her industry.

Check out this blog site for some incredible content.

Daily writing prompt
What’s your favorite word?

This Evening…

As the sun doused below the horizon, casting a warm golden glow across the city, I found myself contemplating the question that had been on the mind: “What am I doing this evening?”


I was thinking of a topic which lures some interest and exploration deep down into the core of its concept, musing on about different possible elements or factors that comprises the subject, and mulling over the style that should be followed to enhance the descriptive narration to put the right information across to the audience.

Be it arts or science, technical or business, entertainment or academics, personal or professional, the subject should be about which the audience have questions or wants to know of.  Measuring the depths of the concepts which should be analyzed about, it should be decided that what should be included and what should not be.  I was giving thought on how should the introduction be unfolded and discussed upon, how should the body be constructed, and how should it be concluded.  And what headings or points should be pondered and recreated during the course.

Allow me to wear my writing gloves on sooner so I don’t miss anything that came to my mind!

Daily writing prompt
What are you doing this evening?

Narcissism: The Self-Centered Demeanor

Narcissism or self-centered attitude might raise a red flag in healthy relationships.  Selfish people tend to exhibit a constant desire for attention putting their own wants and needs above others’.  Their behavioral traits include very often validating themselves, degrading others without any empathy.

This should not be overlooked or taken lightly.  Engagements with such individuals can end up with emotional manipulation where others well-being are consistently subprime.  It is important to set limits and being careful about our own safety and security when dealing with narcissistic personalities.

– BB

Daily writing prompt
What personality trait in people raises a red flag with you?

Routine…, But Ideal!

Mondays – Planning and scheduling work or things to do for the week.

Tuesdays – Discuss with family, colleagues, and/or friends about any appointments to be made.

Wednesdays – Implement the plans finalized.

Thursdays – Checking if everything is going on right and correcting them.

Fridays – Fine tuning and winding up the ongoing work and deliver the results to clients or customers and getting ready for the excitement on catching up with family and friends during the weekends…


Please visit Iconxt website for some informative posts on best data analytics subjects.

Daily writing prompt
Describe your ideal week.


Daily writing prompt
How do you relax?

I spend time with my children !…

– Bullie & Baarbie (BB)

Why, What, When, Where, Who?

PEOPLE… live a normal life according to their own opinion, but wait a moment…

is it normal from others’ standpoint?

In circumstances where things do not go the right way or go terribly wrong, a situation arises where we/people in-charge need to judge others to set it right. In such crisis, people whose actions are in accordance with the social norms of the place they live, get away without difficulty; whereas those whose deeds are not, get penalized.

People and situations would not be the same at all times and should be scrutinized on a case to case basis and from time to time. It is high time we give a thought on the nonperforming hard and fast rules and amend the socioeconomic rules and regulations in place from time to time so that it is a win-win situation for one and all.

It is our responsibility to maintain justness, peace and harmony in order to make the world a better place to live in.

THINK before you ACT!!!

Required Qualifications!

A teacher must study an educational course and get trained to qualify to teach the students…

A doctor must study a medical course and get trained to qualify to treat the sick…

An engineer must study an engineering course and get trained to qualify to engineer products or processes…

A worker has to study and get trained on his/her relevant field to work in his/her respective field…

A mediocre unskilled/semi-skilled/skilled worker must have the required knowledge and experience to do his/her job.

A LEADER must…?

…study a leadership course and get trained to lead people!

Simple, isn’t it?

PrayForAmazonia !!

The Lungs of Mother Nature, the Amazonia Forest, is being burnt down to ashes!!!

Making no room for all living things to breathe, eat, drink and live healthily on the Earth!!!!

Amazon Forest on fire means irreversible extinction of unknown and unexplored beneficial 40,000 (approximately) varieties of plant species and 1500 (approximately) varieties of animal species creating a major blunder/imbalance in the ecological systemic cycle of the globe.

Let us save our Home Earth for our future generations!!!!!

Save Amazonia!!!!!!

Twist or Turn?


Twist or Turn? - A picture of Conches on the sands of a beach

Twist by the aquatic twirl,

Grist to the oceanic whirl,

Hist to the auditory swirl,

Tryst to the romantic curl.

Twist or Turn? - A picture of Conches on the sands of a beach

Consist of knotty gnarl,

Insist on internal furl,

Persist on to spiral knurl,

Resist to external hurl.

Bullie & Baarbie

Solid, Liquid, Gas?

Where the Liquid-meets-the-Solid,

Solid, Liquid or Gas? - A view of a Lakeshore

There is Life-Valid,

Care for the Polluted,

Beware of being Pallid.

Inspired by Daily Post Photo Challenge Liquid

Daily Prompt Juxtapose

Bullie & Baarbie