Required Qualifications!

A teacher must study an educational course and get trained to qualify to teach the students…

A doctor must study a medical course and get trained to qualify to treat the sick…

An engineer must study an engineering course and get trained to qualify to engineer products or processes…

A worker has to study and get trained on his/her relevant field to work in his/her respective field…

A mediocre unskilled/semi-skilled/skilled worker must have the required knowledge and experience to do his/her job.

A LEADER must…?

…study a leadership course and get trained to lead people!

Simple, isn’t it?

PrayForAmazonia !!

The Lungs of Mother Nature, the Amazonia Forest, is being burnt down to ashes!!!

Making no room for all living things to breathe, eat, drink and live healthily on the Earth!!!!

Amazon Forest on fire means irreversible extinction of unknown and unexplored beneficial 40,000 (approximately) varieties of plant species and 1500 (approximately) varieties of animal species creating a major blunder/imbalance in the ecological systemic cycle of the globe.

Let us save our Home Earth for our future generations!!!!!

Save Amazonia!!!!!!

Twist or Turn?


Twist or Turn? - A picture of Conches on the sands of a beach

Twist by the aquatic twirl,

Grist to the oceanic whirl,

Hist to the auditory swirl,

Tryst to the romantic curl.

Twist or Turn? - A picture of Conches on the sands of a beach

Consist of knotty gnarl,

Insist on internal furl,

Persist on to spiral knurl,

Resist to external hurl.

Bullie & Baarbie

Solid, Liquid, Gas?

Where the Liquid-meets-the-Solid,

Solid, Liquid or Gas? - A view of a Lakeshore

There is Life-Valid,

Care for the Polluted,

Beware of being Pallid.

Inspired by Daily Post Photo Challenge Liquid

Daily Prompt Juxtapose

Bullie & Baarbie

It’s Weekend!


Sounds exciting! Isn’t it?

Weekend - A view of Marina Beach

Beautiful tourism locations!…

One of a kind is the Marina Beach in Chennai, where the local people spend their leisure time during weekends and/or anytime, also visited by the tourists from all over the world.

What could be found predominantly there, are the encroaching kiosks (or small shops varying from a fast food to a merry-go-round), which is very unlikely in such a location known to be the largest beach in the Asian Continent.  Moreover, they are scattered all over the big vast stretch of the beach instead of being located in an orderly manner in specific places.

It is high time that we recognize this viewpoint and improve the chaotic and unhygienic condition of its environment to make the place even better and beautiful.


Inspired by Daily Post Photo Challenge Unlikely

Bullie & Baarbie


Behind Safety Lines

Lines are of two types:

Behind Safety Lines - A view of a tiger inside a cage

Safety 🙂 and Danger! 😱

Which ones are you looking at?

Don’t get swallowed!!

Bullie & Baarbie

More! Not Less

Less is not More!! 😀

More or less,


But if desire is more,

More is Less!!! 😂

Bullie & Baarbie


My Place in the World

A great location in the world to live in…(the Marina Beach in Chennai, India)

My Place in the World - A picturesque view of Chennai's Marina Beach

Like –

Driving on the roads,

Strolling on the streets,

Playing in the sands,

Dancing with the waves,

Eating and drinking,

Ascending the lighthouse for a view and

Wandering all over the place!

Bullie & Baarbie


Rise High

Awakening from a long hiatus,

Rise High - A view of a sunrise while on a boat

Returning to join the race of the journey of life,

Repeating the same old process but with –

Renewal! Rejuvenation ! & Revitalization !

Bullie & Baarbie


East and West

The Rising Sun

The Setting…


Inspired by Daily Post Photo Challenge Rise/Set
Bullie & Baarbie