
Marathon Mantra



Compete with time…

Speed ahead of time…

Touch the finish line!!!



Strong Bones

Strong Muscles

Improved Cardiovascular Fitness

Burning of plenty of kilo joules, and

Healthy Weight


Eat Organic

Go Organic – Travel back to your healthiness

All of us want life to be easy.  We do not want to slog ourselves.  The net result is we end up in an environment filled with hazardous substances.

Shopping is an element of lifestyle where we do not carry our own bags making room for plastic carry bags to enter into our life creating a health hazard.

Eating out is a way of relaxation by not cooking at home which makes us eat hot food in plastic containers leading us to a danger of getting sick.

Disposing plastics and burning it creates environmental hazard.

Order of Priority for a Healthy and Disease-Free Life (order may differ from person to person) – according to organic chemistry / organic biology

  • Keep yourself away from tobacco (do not smoke), alcohol (do not drink even beer), and non-prescribed drugs (not prescribed by a medical doctor).
  • Keep yourself and your surroundings clean.
  • Eat natural and healthy food ( organic food cooked using raw materials from organic farming ) & beverages, like vegetables, organic fruits, spices, fish, egg, buttermilk, milk, boiled water, etc. (avoid packed food since there’s a lot of possibilities of adulteration)
  • Do not eat/drink junk food like artificial drinks, deep-fried food, baked food, etc.

Hygienic Home-Cooked Food

  • Avoid eating and drinking in plastic plates, bottles, cups, etc.
  • Avoid using artificial things like cosmetics such as lotions, creams, shampoos, foundations, rouge, lipsticks, etc.
  • Avoid using plastic bags for any purpose like shopping, disposing garbage, etc.

Awake and be smart.  Do not follow the commercial ads blindly, they do it for earning money.  Let us save our kids, parents, grandparents, family, loved ones, air, water, ecological system and our planet, Earth.

Health is Wealth!
