Moon or Mom?


The QUEEN of the Living Planet,

The Round Mirror of the Sun,

The Beauty of the Universe,

The Swiftest of all Planets;

Moon or Mom? - A view of the Clouds unveiling the Moon

The MOTHER of All Things,

The Instinctive Mind of Intuition,

The Greatest Source of Imagination,

The Manifestation of Creativity;

The MOON, the Largest Magnetic Aquaphile,

The Voyager into the Depths of Unexplored Waters,

The Sustainer of Life on the Earth,

The Ultimate VICTOR of all Minds and Hearts…

Inspired by WordPress Daily Post Photo Challenge Out of This World

Daily Prompt Above

Daily Post Photo Challenge – Set/Rise

Bullie & Baarbie


Color Your World – Outer Space


Color Your Universe

outer space


The color of the Outer Space –



















Is it only darkness?….

A picture of the shining moon in darkness

Oh yes…..the Moon Shine!


Pleasant Moon

The Moon

The Sun governs the soul and the Moon rules emotions and feelings.  There would be no life on Earth without these two luminaries.  The Moon is the Queen of the Solar System.  The physical effects of her pull on earth in terms of gravity are seen through the tides of the ocean.  Most of the living things on Earth including our own bodies are composed of approximately eighty percent (80%) water.  Water is an element of this heavenly body.  Isn’t it reasonable to expect that its magnetic force would be felt by our physical body as well?

Despite being the smallest among planets, the Earth’s satellite has enormous effect on the human beings due to its closeness with the Earth.  She is tender by nature and represents love and beauty.  Besides being a favorable subject for poets, comparing her with the beauty of women, she has also been a goal for astronomical expeditions.  She plays a very important role in the life of human beings in maintaining stable relations with each other.  She represents motherly concept as she nourishes life on Earth just like a mother who nurtures her babies.

The Moon or Chandra is the basis of Vedic Astrology which is a very ancient system dating back to 5,000-10,000 years BC.  During that period and even today for rural people in some parts of the world, the moon, with its rhythms and cycles, is a reliable natural clock.  People, who live close to nature depending totally on the fertility of the soil, weather patterns and cosmic forces for survival, use the cycle of the moon in a very productive way. They are still aware of the miracle of nature and its ability to rejuvenate in terms of seasons, crops and the production of animal offspring, at regular intervals. She is a strong symbol of fertility as it represents the menstrual cycle in women and therefore is a significator for creativity.

Of course, the Sun is very important to us too as it’s our main source of light, but its light is reflected by the moon (as she has no light source of its own), and therefore, she is the bearer of the soul’s energy, which indicates our emotional and psychological patterns and tendencies.

Moon in Birth Chart

A strong Moon in a birth chart indicates joy, enthusiasm, and peace of mind in life whereas, when afflicted she causes tensions, depression, suicidal tendency and pessimistic attitude.  She is like the window through which we see things.  Whatever affects her, deeply affects our heart and emotions.  Her position and condition shows a lot about the character of the person and the tenor of their life.  It also indicates your passion and main areas of interest in life.  She is a natural benefic capable of giving great mental power and prosperity.  Prosperity in life is seen from the combined positions of either moon and Jupiter or moon and other benefic planets.  Jupiter signifies wealth.  The combination of Moon and Jupiter is very auspicious for wealth and prosperity.

The Waxing and Waning Moon

A waxing moon (on its way from no moon to full moon) is highly favorable as per Vedic astrology.  In fact, it could be so favorable that it could mitigate less favorable trends in a birth chart.  This condition gives popularity, extrovert and confident personality.  On the other hand, a waning moon (on its way from full to no moon) makes a person withdrawn and reflective, who generally does not seek the limelight.

Generally in the Vedic system of astrology, a waxing moon in the sky over head or in transit, is considered a good time for action, expansion and starting off new projects, whereas a waning moon is good for completing tasks and resting.

In Vedic astrology, the moon chart, which is derived using the moon sign as the rising sign, is an important chart used in conjunction with the main birth chart, for verification of factors seen in the main chart.

Moon in Transit

Nakshatras – Lunar Mansions

The Moon moves at the fastest pace of all planets.  In Indian mythology, she spends one day in each Nakshatra (consisting of four padas) or Lunar Mansion, in the course of completing its monthly cycle.  She completes a cycle in 28 days (Lunar Month – from no to full moon and back to no moon).  Therefore, the moon transits just over a day in each of 27 Nakshatras for 28 days of a Lunar Month during each monthly cycle.  Just as each zodiac sign is ruled by a particular planet, each Nakshatra is also ruled by a particular planet.

This implies that each planet in the birth chart is influenced by the sign it is sitting in and its ruler and the Nakshatra it is sitting on and its ruler.  Therefore, the Moon, the Sun and the rising sign in a chart are also influenced in a similar way.

Moon is the lord of the Zodiac Sign, Cancer.  She is a friend of the Sun and the Mercury and not an enemy to any planet.  She is neutral towards Mars, Jupiter, Venus and Saturn.  All liquids come under the influence of moon.  She is also associated with gardens, salt, medicines, change, travel abroad, milk, pride, etc.


Bullie & Baarbie